ABA Therapy

What is Applied Behavior Analysis?

Applied Behavior Analysis or ABA is a scientific approach to understanding behavior. ABA therapy focuses on replacing one type of behavior with a more appropriate behavior. ABA is used to improve behaviors like academics, communication, life skills, play skills, reading, and social skills. Our instructors evaluate learners’ behavior and needs and develop special programs to make them successful in their environment and communities.


How it works

ABA therapy focuses on replacing one type of behavior with a more appropriate behavior. It utilizes positive reinforcement. The client is positively reinforced when complying with the appropriate behavior. As the client grows in compliance, the item or praise is faded creating independence. 

When is it used?

ABA therapy is often known as behavior therapy for people with Autism but is not always the case. ABA therapy is used for child and adults needing behavior modification, it is for elderly patients who have lost certain abilities due to aging or memory loss, and it is used with couples having relationship difficulties or even with employees in the workplace.

ABA Sessions

At CDS, we offer ABA therapy. We can provide ABA within our classrooms, group sessions, one-on-one sessions, and walk-in services. ABA sessions can be covered by insurance companies.

For more information

Call 615-203-6820 or email info@CDSofMurfreesboro.com